Monday, 6 April 2015


By Bro Omiyale Idowu 
Hey,don’t panic; most cases if God is silent there’s a reason why and He’s more than happy to reach out to you. Sometimes life distractions de-sensitize us spiritually, but there’s always a way to get back on track. Here are seven things to bring you closer to the answers you’re looking for.

1)Check your heart: Examine your behaviors and recent attitudes. The heart can get out of check and rebel against the leading of The Holy Spirit. Find areas that need to be dealt with and humbly brought before The Lord. 

2) Take your prayer temperature: How’s your prayer life? Have ministry, work and life responsibilities been getting in the way of your alone time with God? Take an honest look at your prayer life and uncover if there has been a breakdown in Heavenly communication.
3) Identify spiritual distractions: What’s changed? The Bible says that all things are permissible, yet all things do not edify and build us up. Check to see if you’ve allowed non-edifying uses of your time into your life. Once identified, bring those areas into submission.

4) Resolve Offenses: Are you holding something against your neighbor or vice versa? God wants us to resolve conflict horizontally before reaching out vertically, “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you…first be reconciled to [them] and then present your offering,” Matthew 5:23.

5) Subdue your flesh: Uh oh, this is usually the last thing we want to do and then start telling ourselves no...but it’s necessary. What physical habits are tugging war against your spiritual life? It could be emotional eating, selfish behavior toward loved ones or not restraining your tongue. This seem small, but they etch away at your spiritual progress in a big way.
6) Ask for backUp: Don’t try to keep face when you know something is wrong. Tell a trusted friend to go to battle in prayer for you. Be transparent about your struggle and let someone help you in your time of need. Playing tough like we never go through anything is prideful and causes us to bear our burdens longer.

7) Petition the father for breakthrough: A broken and contrite spirit will always get God’s attention. Ask God for help to reveal to you what’s going on and how you should respond. His silence could be a way to draw you closer or to highlight a change He desires to bring about. Never panic, His unconditional love is always there for us. But like any good Father sometimes He has to correct us to keep us on the path of life. 
Have a great week ahead...‎

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Host 1 : Top of the day your excellencies! Trust we having a great Sunday! 💪💪 So sorry we are unable to air *POTW* yesterday ...