Saturday, 28 March 2015

Must Read: Celestial Church of Christ...

I want to briefly introduce a man to you, his name is saint
Samuel Bilewu Joseph Oshoffa, Omo Alake Imeko, the dread of
witches and wizards, the man through which God descended the
last hope of humanity, CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST.
Celestial Church of Christ is a spiritual, world-wide, united,
indivisible Holy Church which came into the world from heaven
by DIVINE ORDER on the 29th of September 1947 in Porto Novo,
Republic of Benin through the founder of the Church, the Late
Reverend, Pastor, Prophet, Founder Samuel Bilehou Joseph
Oshoffa. The Church is well known with Parishes, Dioceses all
over the world with its International
Headquarters in Nigeria.
God called Rev., Pastor, Prophet Oshoffa on friday, 23rd May,
1947, the day of total Eclipse of the sun in West Africa, when he
was in the forest of Dahomey (now Republic of Benin), to
purchase Ebony wood being a carpenter and timber trader, just
like his father. He was in the wilderness for forty days and forty
nights. Just as our Lord Jesus was led by the spirit into the
wilderness for forty days and forty nights. [St. Matt. 4: 1-11,
Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13]. Just as our Lord started his
mission of redemption alone, so also did our highly esteemed
Rev., Pastor, Founder, S.B.J. Oshoffa started alone, on the 29th
September 1947.
In the deep mystery of divine appearance, during prayer on the
19th September 1947, a winged Angel bathed in intense light,
word came from God to the founder as follows:
"It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching into
the World. Many nominal Christians there who were confronted
by difficulties and problems of this world. They run after fetish
priests and other power of darkness for all kinds of assistance.
Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by
their action, Satan has left his spiritual
mark on them. To assist you in in your work so that men may
listen to the fact that God has sent you."
The Church under the absolute dictatorship of Holy Spirit is
hereby emphasized for:
1. The Name of the Church:
The name of the Church "Celestial Church of Christ" was
revealed by the Holy Spirit through a Prophet who was held in
trance for seven
2. The Tenets and Mode of Worship of the Church Ordained by
the Holy Spirit.
3. The rules and regulations written in the booklet of "Tents and
Admission into the membership of Celestial Church of Christ."
4. Mode of worship includes the setting of the Altar, and the seat
therein, the number of candles used for various types of
services and the seating arrangement in
particular, it should be noted
that the seating arrangements was revealed through a
Prophetess who under the influence of the Holy Spirit in the
wilderness on Friday 5th of October, 1947, sketched the seating
arrangement using oranges.
5. The Service of the Church Revealed through the Holy Spirit as
promised by our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:25-26)
6. There is an order of service laid down in the Celestial Church
of Christ for different occasions such as Marriage, Funeral,
Naming Ceremony, Mass in Remembrance of the dead, etc. The
order for the
respective occasion is strictly as revealed by the Holy Spirit and
as set out in the booklet titled "Order of Service".
There are a number of Holy Rites or Sacrament within the form
of worship in Celestial Church of Christ utmost importance.
Members shall avail themselves of the opportunity to partake in
these rites or sacraments:
Baptism, Holy Communion, Annual Washing of Feet, Annual
Pilgrimage to Imeko, Ogun State, Nigeria at Christmas Eve,
Harvest Thanksgiving Service, and Holy Mary's Day.
All persons who earnestly, sincerely desire to be saved looking
for salvation and therefore accept Jesus Christ as the son of
God and Holy conversion by taking up such duties and privileges
as entailed in the fellowship and the Ten Commandments are
welcome into the fold.
Celestial Church of Christ is an inclusive congregation, with the
desire to observe the Tenets and Mode of Worship is welcome.
May God Bless you (Amen).

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Host 1 : Top of the day your excellencies! Trust we having a great Sunday! 💪💪 So sorry we are unable to air *POTW* yesterday ...