Wednesday, 16 December 2015


>>> Part 1 here -
>>> Part 2 here -
>>> Part 3 here -
>>> Part 4 here -
>>> Part 5 here -
As we conclude this series of articles in this Part 6, it is essential that we draw some important lessons. And, as witnesses of Jesus Christ, it is equally important to stand boldly for the truth of the Gospel as we challenge the false teaching of the ‘Once-Saved-Forever-Saved’ doctrine. As this platform is focussed on the Church in Nigeria, we will use the country as our model in drawing the lessons – though the lessons may be applicable in other countries too.
About 30 years ago, the heretical ‘Prosperity Gospel’ crept in slowly into the landscape of the Church in Nigeria. Unchallenged as it landed in the country, that doctrine has grown into a massive ‘industry’ that today dominates the church scene in Nigeria. Consequently, the falsehood and exploitation spawned by the ‘Prosperity Gospel’ have combined to bring the church into great disrepute in the country today.
When the doctrine landed in Nigeria at that time, most of us reading this article were probably not in a position to have tackled its false teaching as it started spreading slowly like cancer through the Body of Christ. Had we been in a position to tackle the doctrine, we ought to have done so in ‘contending for the faith’ that was once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Collectively, it is our duty to be watchful for the well-being and advancement of the truth of the Gospel in ANY environment that God plants us. This is what it means to ‘OCCUPY TILL I COME’ (Luke 19:13).
But right now, the next massive wave of doctrinal attack on the Church in Nigeria is already under way. As the eyes of most of God’s people are beginning to open to the deceit in the ‘Prosperity Gospel’, the devil is planning to replace it with another massive doctrinal error that has a broad, mass-appeal. And this is the ‘Once-Saved-Forever-Saved’ doctrine. Slowly, this doctrine, with its numerous variations, is beginning to worm its way into the Body of Christ in Nigeria.
For some reasons that will be outlined shortly, the doctrine has the potential to spread very rapidly and gain a massive following. But as witnesses of the truth of the Gospel of Christ, it will be our responsibility to take a stand against this falsehood. Particularly, this will be in the place of fervent prayers, and also in the place of boldly proclaiming the balanced truth of the Gospel. Our words may, or may not, turn people away from the doctrine, but we would have done our duty as witnesses of the truth. It is not our duty to convert people, or foist the truth on them – we are just called to speak the truth in love and leave the rest to God.
However, to stand with Christ against this doctrine, it is important that we understand some fundamental issues about the doctrine. And these are the issues that we’ll be exploring in this article.
The doctrine of ‘Once-Saved-Forever-Saved’ is a broad umbrella that covers a wide range of interpretations of the doctrine. But at the heart of all the interpretations is the belief that a believer has no personal responsibility in the matter of salvation. The doctrine teaches that once saved, the grace of God will ensure that ALL those that have received this grace will DEFINITELY end up in the Kingdom of Heaven. Most interpretations of the doctrine add that entering the Kingdom of heaven is irrespective of whatever the believer does, or does not do, after salvation.
In Matthew 24:13, the words of Jesus show that NOT ALL BELIEVERS WILL BE SAVED IN THE END. “But he that shall endure UNTO THE END, the same shall be saved.” From these words, it is clear that endurance till the end is A REQUIREMENT for the consummation of salvation. And those that do NOT endure till the end will NOT be saved. This passage alone is enough to completely challenge and nullify the concept of the ‘Once-Saved-Forever-Saved’ doctrine. For here, Jesus is CLEARLY telling us that NOT ALL THAT ARE SAVED WILL BE ULTIMATELY SAVED! This is entirely consistent with His teachings throughout His earthly ministry, and during His interaction with the seven churches of Asia in Revelation 2 & 3 (Please read the full details of this in the article on this link - )
Further, let us look at the words of Apostle Paul, who wrote extensively on the subject of grace. In Colossians 1:21-23, he wrote: “And you … hath he reconciled … to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: IF YE CONTINUE IN THE FAITH grounded and settled, and BE NOT MOVED AWAY from the hope of the gospel….” This aligns perfectly with the words of Jesus quoted above. It is ONLY those that CONTINUE and are NOT MOVED AWAY from the hope of the Gospel that will be presented holy, unblameable, and unreproveable. This will NOT be applicable to ALL believers, and so it again confirms that NOT all believers will be saved on the Last Day.
It is important to note that virtually ALL the writers of the New Testament affirm, directly or impliedly, that endurance/continuation till the end of the Christian race is essential in making it into the Kingdom of Heaven on the Last Day. As we outlined in Part 4 of this series (, the grace of God (a totally completed and finished divine work) is given to us FREELY at salvation as a seed (as a potential). It is ONLY the believers that utilise this potential (grace) BY FAITH to bear the fruits of the Gospel that will be saved on the Last Day. This is what it means to be saved by grace THROUGH FAITH as we read in Ephesians 2:8, "For BY GRACE are ye saved THROUGH FAITH...." Believers that do NOT use FAITH to be fruitful in the Gospel, by grace, will be DAMNED. For without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
With this overwhelming clarity of the Scriptures on this subject, on what basis are people being deceived that ALL believers will be saved, and that we bear no personal responsibility in the matter of salvation? And that ONCE SAVED means FOREVER SAVED? And why is the doctrine spreading rapidly in our days? Once we know the answer, we will not be a bit surprised!
Four reasons combine to explain why the doctrine is thriving, and is likely to continue to spread rapidly. And all the four reasons relate directly to biblical prophecies about the end-time we live in today. The prophecies make it clear that in the end-time:
(a) Deception will be commonplace among God’s people through false prophets, seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils (Matthew 24:12, 1 Timothy 4:1)
(b) Some believers will love SELF more than they love God as we enter a period described as ‘perilous times’ (2 Timothy 3:1)
(c) A huge increase in the level of iniquity will make the love of many believers wax cold (Matthew 24:13)
(d) Many believers will develop itching ears and will be eager to be deceived (2 Timothy 4-5)
In the satanic eagerness to be deceived, MANY BELIEVERS ARE YEARNING FOR THE MESSAGE OF A ‘GOSPEL’ THAT COSTS THEM NOTHING. A ‘gospel’ that does not involve a cross. A ‘gospel’ that assures ALL believers that ALL sins they will ever commit – past, present, and future – have already been automatically forgiven by God. A ‘gospel’ that guarantees that ALL believers will make it to the Kingdom of Heaven on the Last Day. A ‘gospel’ that ducks the believer’s responsibility to work out his salvation with fear and trembling, and pushes all the responsibility to God. This is the ‘gospel’ that the Once-Saved-Forever-Saved doctrine promises. And it is a ‘gospel’ that many believers are quite happy to commit their eternal destinies to.
It is a very simple strategy. The doctrine concentrates almost exclusively on what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us in salvation. It omits or minimises the challenging part of the Gospel that requires the believer to walk in faith and obedience to produce the fruits of the Gospel.
Because most of the passages that are quoted to support the doctrine are actually in the Bible, most believers are not discerning enough to understand that these passages are JUST ONE ASPECT of our salvation story! Truth is a double-edged sword – it offers life for those who choose life, and it condemns those that choose death. Taking ONLY ONE ASPECT of the counsel of God is quite dangerous, and is different from looking at the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD. It is ONLY in the whole counsel of God that believers will find safety and eternal life (Acts 20:26-27). Whereas it is true that Christ rescued us through His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary, the other side of the truth is that He bids us to ALSO CARRY OUR CROSS AND FOLLOW HIM DAILY (Luke 9:23). In presenting its version of the ‘gospel’, the doctrine of Once-Saved-Forever-Saved focusses almost exclusively on the former, and ignores/downplay the latter. This is a ‘gospel’ of gain without pain. A ‘gospel’ of reigning with Jesus - without suffering with Him (2 Timothy 2:12). It is the ‘sweetness’ of the deal that entraps many believers today.
The doctrine operates like a mouse trap. Once the bait is swallowed, the believer is hooked! As the doctrine gains a full entrance in a believer’s mind, it becomes A STRONGHOLD – a fortified system. And, unconsciously, it is through this stronghold that our brothers and sisters that hold the doctrine FILTER and INTERPRET the truth of the Gospel of Christ. This stronghold filters and manipulates the truth that is clearly presented in the Gospel. It does this by twisting such passages to fit the stronghold’s PRE-DETERMINED INTERPRETATION OF THE TRUTH.
Believers that have been entrapped by this doctrine are UNABLE to see the truth as other believers see it. And this is what makes it almost a fruitless venture to attempt to reason the Scriptures with those that hold the doctrine. The stronghold blocks the truth. And for the truth to penetrate, weapons of warfare that are mighty through God would have to be deployed to demolish the stronghold (similar to what we see in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5).
(a) LOVE, BUT BE CAREFUL: Love is at the heart of our nature as believers in Jesus Christ. And so, it is our duty to continue to love our brothers and sisters that have been taken in by this doctrine. This love may manifest in divers ways – particularly in the place of prayers as mentioned above. But as we continue to love these dear brethren, it is important that we are very, very watchful so that we are not ensnared by the doctrine ourselves. The doctrine is very alluring; and in relation to the Last Days, please remember that Jesus taught us again and again to WATCH and PRAY. It is important to be watchful. Please don’t get entrapped.
(b) PRAY: This is the BEST STRATEGY for dealing with this doctrine. Please pray that the Lord will kindly deliver any of His sheep that may have been ensnared in the mesh of the doctrine. Please pray for more understanding for God’s sheep, so that wolves in sheep’s clothing will not lure them away with strange doctrines (Acts 20:29-30). None of us can shield ourselves, so please let us pray for ourselves that the Lord will kindly protect us from false doctrines and seducing spirits in these Last Days.
(c) WITNESS TO THE TRUTH: As much as the Lord gives us liberty, we must keep proclaiming the whole counsel of God as revealed in the Bible. We cannot preach the Gospel without Christ. And we cannot preach Christ without the cross. Jesus promised that His sheep will hear His voice. As we keep declaring the whole counsel of God, His sheep that still has an ear may hear His word through us and recover himself. But, if we keep quiet…..
To witness effectively, we need to study well; and to pray for the illumination of the Spirit of God that will cause His words to enlighten the understanding of His people. If we all do these faithfully, it is certain that the Holy Spirit will use our feeble efforts to shed light among His people – so that this doctrine does not overwhelm the Church in Nigeria as the false ‘Prosperity Gospel’ did when it crept into the church. We could not do much at that time. But this time, we can all stand up for the truth of the Gospel in our nation. God has a plan for Nigeria; and only the truth of the Gospel will facilitate that plan. Please let us OCCUPY TILL HE COMES.
As we await His glorious arrival, praying that the Lord will keep us all in His love. And keep us in His truth. Amen and Amen.
Thanks for reading, God bless.

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Host 1 : Top of the day your excellencies! Trust we having a great Sunday! 💪💪 So sorry we are unable to air *POTW* yesterday ...