As the adage goes, a wise man does not ignore a rash of
leprosy to ferociously ‘attack’ a mild infection of ring-worm. The
lesson? Keep your focus on the bigger picture. In this reflection,
I will be advancing the position that the ongoing Pasuma matter
in the RCCG is an unfolding metaphor – what I call the
‘PASUMA’ metaphor.
Perhaps you have read or heard the story. A Parish of the
Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in Lagos is
organising a three-day crusade. And billed as the ‘star
performer’ at the crusade is a widely-known, local musician
popularly known as Pasuma. The common knowledge about
Pasuma is that he is a Muslim. And he is a devout Muslim, he
has visited Mecca on pilgrimage. There are faint, unconfirmed
rumours in the air that Pasuma may have recently become born
again. But like most elements of this story, nobody seems to
know anything for sure.
Reportedly, in reaction to the indiscretion of inviting a devout
Muslim to ‘pull crowd’ to a Christian crusade, the RCCG High
Command has suspended the pastor that organised the
programme. Prior to the report of his suspension in some online
media channels, Christians in Nigeria had been debating the
rightness/wrongness of the pastor’s ‘PASUMA’ initiative. To our
credit, majority of Christians were alarmed at the pastor’s
desperation to ‘pull a crowd’ to the crusade. For apart from
enjoying the Pasuma ‘anointing’, the attendees also stood a
chance of winning a lot of exciting prizes at the crusade,
including motorcycle, generator sets, television sets, etc.
The announcement of the suspension of the pastor seems to
have calmed nerves, and business will soon return to normal.
But can we really afford this? If the ‘PASUMA’ crusade is an
isolated, random event, then we should be glad that the problem
has been nipped in the bud, and that should settle the matter.
Repentance from error is what God requires, not the crucifixion
of a sinner. But the reality here is that the issues involved are
deeper. Much more deeper.
In my opinion, the suspension of the pastor is simply wrong, and
it’s a smoke-screen that covers a much deeper malaise in the
entire RCCG structure. For the ‘PASUMA’ initiative at the crusade
is a reflection of a deeper culture that permeates the RCCG
denomination. Yes! The RCCG has a ‘PASUMA’ culture that oils
the mammoth wheels of the establishment. A culture that
employs all sorts of strategies to swell the crowd in the
denomination. A culture that openly side-tracks both Scriptures
and morality to increase the crowd in its fold. This was
PRECISELY what the erring pastor did, and he has been
suspended! He has been made a scapegoat of a corporate
That corporate philosophy was on open display some time last
year or so, and mostly, we all kept mute. We kept mute because
Nigeria seems to be a society that thrives on corruption, and
from a very low level of expectation from our leaders – both in
the spiritual and secular spheres. This particular example played
out at a National Ministers’ Conference of the denomination.
Some of the pastors that had performed well in their regions
were rewarded with a cash gift of N2m (then worth about
£8,000). In addition, they were given suits that had belonged to
the General Overseer (the suits were particularly sought after
because it is believed that those who won and wore the suits
may be able to perform miracles like the General Overseer!)
In our characteristic carelessness, this is something that we
may have even shrugged off, until one hears the key criteria for
appointing the winners of the prizes. Reportedly, the winners
were primarily the pastors that had been able to raise the most
amount of money in their respective regions! The ‘diligence’ of
such pastors was swelling the coffers of the denomination, and
they were getting the due reward and recognition – in the midst
of their peers at a national event. Now, let us reason together.
What message was this meant to pass to the other pastors that
were not bringing in huge revenues to the denomination’s
coffers? “Intensify your efforts so that you can also win N2m
and Daddy GO’s worn suits!”
This is the target-driven culture that may, wittingly or
unwittingly, drive the ‘enthusiasm’ of a lot of RCCG pastors to
‘PRODUCE RESULTS’ at all costs. It is a culture that is being
stimulated and sustained at the highest levels of the RCCG
hierarchy. It is a house culture. A ‘PASUMA’ culture – results AT
Immediately after that conference, a provincial pastor in the
Abuja branch of the denomination got back to his base and
zealously went to work to be a ‘winner’ too. He instantly
increased the registration fees and tuition fees for the region’s
Bible course for church members. He severely reprimanded
members for persistently dropping low denominations of Naira
into the offering basket for God! That was not the height of his
desperation. He sunk even lower. He announced that members
in the province (a province may have up to 50 - 80 parishes)
should give a ‘sacrificial offering’ of 90% of their February salary
to God (AFTER the compulsory 10% tithes)! This is in a church
that encourages members to donate ALL their January salary to
God as ‘firstfruits offering’ every year. So, that is the entire
January and February salary ‘sacrificed to God’, in a church that
has loads of struggling, poor people! Some members of the
church were unhappy about the unholy exploitation, and
considered leaving the church. That was how the story blew into
the open. A ‘PASUMA’ culture – results AT ALL COSTS.
There is a yet more insidious way in which the ‘PASUMA’
phenomenon manifests itself in RCCG. It is in the appointment
of pastors for the denomination’s parishes. Whereas the Bible
IMPOSES very stringent considerations for those that would be
appointed into leadership positions in God’s churches, RCCG
has been very, very very flagrant in DISOBEYING God in this
regard. For instance, God EXPRESSLY commands that believers
who have not matured in the faith SHOULD NOT be appointed as
Church leaders (1 Timothy 3:6). Doing so, the Bible warns, will
expose such people to conceit, condemnation, and eventually
judgment. Does RCCG really consider this warning in appointing
pastors? Or is it okay to obey Scriptures when convenient, and
break Scriptures when they do not fit into our corporate plans?
If the denomination is FAITHFUL to God’s commandment on
appointing leaders, how will it get leaders for the parishes that
are popping up all over the world? Obviously, the spread of the
denomination is MORE IMPORTANT than obeying the injunction
given by the Owner of the work on HOW He wants His work
done. This is another facet of the ‘PASUMA’ culture – results at
all costs. When we convert yet-to-mature believers into pastors,
and put them under tremendous PRESSURE TO PERFORM, what
do we expect? For instance, all parishes have specified and
defined time-frames to establish new parishes to ensure the
rapid growth of the denomination. Pastors that comply move up
faster in the denomination’s hierarchy. Is this model of church
growth biblical? Is this strategy centred on growing God’s
Kingdom, or on mushrooming a denomination? Are churches
like business franchises that can be set up randomly at every
corner without DUE REGARD given to biblical considerations and
This is the ‘PASUMA’ mentality that gave rise to the ‘PASUMA’
manifestation that informed the thinking of the crusade
organisers. It is all about the CROWD. It is all about the
NUMBERS. And in the final analysis, it is all about what comes
into the denomination’s coffers. Some of the ways that
‘offerings’ are being raised in RCCG today are ridiculous, and
shameful to write about openly. When we begin to embark on
mammoth projects that God did not commission, it is inevitable
that CARNAL STRATEGIES would have to be devised to raise the
funds for such projects. And most often, it is the poor sheep that
bears the brunt. They MUST foot the bill!!!
On the outside, the RCCG denomination is getting bigger and
juicier. Even the auditorium is getting longer and wider. But
deep within the system, at its very heart, some ‘PASUMA’
chickens have been hatched. One day, THESE CHICKENS WILL
COME HOME TO ROOST. Unless the Lord, in His mercy, sends
waves and waves of repentance into the RCCG fold, starting
from the very top, the Body of Christ will wake up to discover
that the now cancelled ‘PASUMA’ crusade is a child’s play
compared to the ‘PASUMA’ germs that are germinating beneath
the radar of this behemoth denomination.
Because the name of Jesus Christ is involved, because many
genuine children of God are in the RCCG fold, please let us NOT
bury our heads in the sands on the warning shot that has been
fired by this ‘PASUMA’ incident. Even if the whole ‘PASUMA’
saga proves to have been a huge hoax, at least it would have
served the cathartic purpose of forcing the Body of Christ to
look at ourselves in the mirror. To re-evaluate our spiritual
values in relation to our corporate goals. And to confront our
failings before God in repentance. Repentance will lead us back
In addition to praying, there is also a HUGE, VITAL lesson for us
all here – God’s work can ONLY be done in God’s way - using
His approved methods, and following His instructions very
closely. We CANNOT help God to do His work. He is not a
weakling. And He certainly does not require a ‘PASUMA’
strategy to build His Kingdom.
Meanwhile, may I humbly appeal that the suspension of the
‘PASUMA’ pastor should be kindly re-considered, as all
Christians everywhere, myself inclusive, consider the ‘PASUMA’
phenomenon in our private lives. And repent where necessary.
This is all that God requires. And this is a lesson we can all
Thanks for reading, God bless.